Forrester model for CRM and significance of CRM solutions

CRM models in general

As clear from its title, CRM is a system which deals in building a long lasting and good relationship among customers and the organization.  The aim of any model CRM system is to blend itself into the main stream if any business. It makes the overall performance of business smooth and effective by making things right with the customers. If the customers are happy with the business then the demand of that service or product provided by the business will increase. A business is not only about making products and running services, it is also about managing the things afterwards in a good way. When business expands to large scale then the things like dealing each and every customer separately becomes a tedious and difficult task. It is when CRM kicks in to make the things better. The way a CRM can work in a company depends on the type of business and its present situation.

Forrester model explained

Different models are made with the continuous efforts of researchers. One such model is Forrester Model. Its four main steps include strategy, process, technology and people.


In first step a suitable customer strategy to be followed in made. It is made keeping in view the current condition of any organization.


The “process” serves as the main working body of this CRM deployment model. In process all the parts of business that come in direct contact with customers are dealt with. Marketing services are analyzed. E-Commerce services provided by the same organization are also studied in order to search for deficiencies. The direct sales department is also supervised to check for its performance. Indirect sales are checked for any delays and quality management. The customer support and service center is also analyzed. All these departments which are in direct dealing with customers are thoroughly studies in detail. Reports and statistics are made. The weak points where improvement are required is also marked.


Then the cycle goes on to next step. In “technology”, customer analytics and customer data management is done. The data concerning customer is obtained from the feedbacks, suggestion and complains of the customers regarding the services of organization. This data is analyzed; it is afterwards compared with the statistic obtained from the analysis of organization’s working structure data. The technology infrastructure to be adopted is then crafted.

Use of CRM software for assistance in deployment

In that particular step, the assistance of CRM software can also be obtained from popular CRM service providers. Such services are available for all sorts of businesses ranging from small ones to the bigger ones. In the end the system or infrastructure derived to be implemented and followed is called CRM system. The CRM starts working and reshaping the work progress of business.


The last step of this model is “people management” in which the customer management is done in such a way that each one gets satisfied with the service of the company and also with the quality of its products. Once the customer gets satisfied, the overall sales and service provision of the company. The increase demand of product will give enhanced profit.

CRM solution providers

In the end, it is all about how well a business is performing as in this world of strong competition; it is the struggle of every company to have a bigger bite at the resource plate. The main information transfer and customer relationship management service providers include Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft. The software provided by these companies aid in complete implementation of CRM in work structure of any business. A wise choice, according to circumstances an organization is facing, results in a solid foundation of business on which the respective business can grow and flourish with time to large extent.



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